Friday, March 24, 2006

Implementing Democracy

Pressure on Afghans mounts over Christian convert By Sayed Salahuddin KABUL (Reuters) - "Afghanistan faced growing international pressure to resolve the case of a man who could face the death penalty for converting to Christianity, but many Afghans said he should be put on trial and punished.

The controversy over the man who gave up Islam threatens to drive a wedge between Afghanistan and Western countries that are ensuring its security and bankrolling its development. [Yahoo News]

So, the question is this - if you bring democracy to a country, do you have the right to then dictate the way that democracy is implemented? Apparently, the answer is yes, if you are also supplying the money. A bit of a double standard, but that is the way the western world seems to be thinking at the moment. While I do have problem with the execution on a general level, the laws are quite clear and currently, freedom of religion is not a right in Afghanistan.


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