Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Time to think of more important issues?

Broadcast Indecency Bill Up for Vote Jun 7th - 7:27am by JIM ABRAMS Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON (AP) - The next raunchy expression or inappropriate show of skin could cost a radio or television broadcaster up to $325,000 in fines under a bill heading toward congressional passage. [WTOP News]

Would someone please explain to me what inappropriate is? We have seen Janet Jackson's breast, which had less exposed that Jennifer Aniston or any of the lifeguards on Baywatch. We have seen Dennis Franz naked backside (a scary sight for those that missed it). We have been through the opening credits of Miami Vice, and seen the insides of so many humans that I am at a loss to even begin to define the term inappropriate, much less what constitutes an inappropriate display.

There is sex on daytime TV, infidelity on the evening new and half naked individuals on every station at all hours and Congress, that bastion of well behaved individuals is trying to pass a law fining broadcasters for inappropriate displays of skin?

The Victorian era is past people, move on. Worry about the deficit or decaying roads. If I do not like what is on TV, I have a power button. If I do not want my children to see it, I have a circuit breaker.


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