Thursday, June 28, 2007

Stop the Bush Insanity!

Bush won't supply subpoenaed documents By TERENCE HUNT, AP White House Correspondent WASHINGTON - President Bush, moving toward a constitutional showdown with Congress, asserted executive privilege Thursday and rejected lawmakers' demands for documents that could shed light on the firings of federal prosecutors. (Yahoo News)

How much more does it take for this President to be called to account? President Clinton, was impeached for lying about having "sex" while in office. Sure, lying is bad. President Bush however, has violated several federal statutes that are well documented, refuses to acknowledge the authority the Congress has over the Executive branch on certain issues and is ignoring the authority his own branch has.

This is not a "strong" President. This is a man who has gone renegade in office and it is time to put a stop to it. Regrettably, that will not likely happen.


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