Tuesday, July 10, 2007


County Approves Immigration Crackdown July 10, 2007 - 6:49pm By SARAH KARUSH Associated Press Writer MANASSAS, Va. (AP) - Lawmakers on Tuesday unanimously approved a measure aimed at discouraging illegal immigrants from settling in Virginia's Prince William County. (WTOP)

There are those that characterize this decision as being about enforcing the immigration laws. Certainly, I can support that. Unfortunately, this is not about that. This is about targeting one specific part of the population that has become the fastest growing minority in the United States and threatens to become the majority population in this primarily Caucasian enclave. That would be the Latino/Hispanic community.

You see, if this was about immigration, then every person who is subjected to this draconian (I liken it to the Third Reich or the Soviet Union, but feel free to pick your favorite dictatorship) legislation should be required to present their documentation for inspection. Too bad most of the white people in the county cannot even prove their status. Too bad they also will never be asked to prove it.

This is discrimination. Pure and simple and nothing else.

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