Tick-Tock. When does it stop?
US debt clock running out of time, space Mon Mar 27, 9:23 PM ET NEW YORK (AFP) - Tick, 20,000 dollars, tock, another 20,000 dollars. So rapid is the rise of the US national debt, that the last four digits of a giant digital signboard counting the moving total near New York's Times Square move in seemingly random increments as they struggle to keep pace. [Yahoo News]
It should scare you that the National Debt clock is running out of time. Because what it really shows is that the Federal Government of the United States is wasting our money. Eight TRILLION dollars and counting to be exact at a rate of $20,000 per second - more than large portions of the population make in a year, lost. Projects such as missile defense, which is neither defensive, nor, practically functional. Bridges to nowhere. Exporting democracy (as the war in Iraq has been called). Tax cuts at a time of increased spending. Gross oil prices to generate energy. All paid for with your tax dollars. The deficit also includes the business of running the government. Literally thousands of buildings with millions of employees, many doing exactly the same job, all with increase security, heat, light, computers, phones, fax machines, data lines etc. If this does not scare you into demanding that your elected representatives do a better job, than you truly do not appreciate the danger that the United States is rushing headlong into.
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