Meanwhile, at TSA Headquarters...
MacBook Air Stumps TSA: The suspiciously thin, port-free laptop sends airport security into a tizzy, until cooler heads prevail. Maybe it's time for some tech briefings at the TSA, no? (Yahoo News)
The web is abuzz this morning about TSA's technical fumble. Now granted, I would not want to buy a MacBook Air, but it would seem that someone at TSA would be responsible for notifying agents about the latest and greatest tech on the market...or at the very least you would think that someone had gone through airport security with one of them by now. Nope. Seems our friends at the TSA are on the job. I will resist the term keystone kops...too late. And what do they mean by "TSA approved?" Since when do devices taken on an airplane have to be "approved" by the TSA...or is that their way of saying, it isn't on our disapproved list (surely a shorter way I guess).
Labels: Society, Technology, TSA
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