Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Label Definition: DHI

I have started applying a few labels to my posts so you can find things that might, at least to my mind, be related to each other.

DHI: The United States Department of Homeland (In)security.

The "National Strategy for Homeland Security" and the Homeland Security Act of 2002 mobilized our nation to secure the homeland from terrorist attacks. The Department of Homeland Security united 22 agencies on March 1, 2003, putting the strategy into action. (DHS)

Since March of 2003, this single agency has probably been responsible for more confusion, fear, uncertainty and doubt about just what it means to secure the homeland. From the bonehead responses to Anthrax, to the chaos at the airports, from the response to hurricanes and other natural disasters, to the lax practices at immigration, the creation of the Department of Homeland (In)security has almost single handedly proven to those of us that pay attention why we really should not trust the government to have our best interests at heart.

By the way, I do not claim to have invented the term, but I know I have been using it ever since reading Marcus Ranum's The Myth of Homeland Security

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